Friday, November 21, 2014

~Before Magic Kingdom~


         Well, where to begin?  Have you ever been to Disney?  Ok, How many of you remember when it was just  The Magic Kingdom? 

Hmmmm, how about this....did you ever see it where they were building The Magic Kingdom?

You are in Luck! Here is a rare video of the construction of the Magic Kingdom the very first park in Disney World! 


                             Posted to You Tube By: Disney Parks 

              Have a Happy Day!


  1. I grew up in Southern California, and I have the fondest memories of go to Disneyland for a treat every summer. I even remember standing right next to little Ron Howard (we are the same age) while we both were watching the Haunted Mansion being built. I just know that I was standing next to a cute red-headed mom whispered to me, "You know who that is? It's OPY from Andy Griffith!" I just about fainted.....but Disneyland is a great place for young and old.

    Thank you kindly for coming to comment! Happy Thanksgiving! Anita

    1. Oh My Gosh I loved the Andy Griffith Show...I still do. How wonderful that you have that memory! Thank you for being the very first to comment on my new Blog!

      Blessings, Jo


I love comments...even more than the Mickey Shaped ice-cream they sell in the park!